Setting up your user account
You can register for an account at
You will be sent a an email asking you to confirm the email address you supplied. Click on the link given in this email.
To prevent unwanted traffic on the metrics API we will need to approve your account before you can use the service. Once a site admin has approved your account will receive an email letting you know that you may use the Altmetrics service.
Using the API
Postman API Documentation
For those who are familiar with Postman, the Altmetrics API has been documented using Postman, and a Postman collection can be found on GitLab: Altmetrics repository Postman
Getting a token
Most requests to the Altmetrics API will need to validated with a JSON Web Token (JWT). The process of acquiring and using a JWT will be explained below. Please note: Your account will need to be approved before you can be issued a JWT.
API endpoint:
Method: GET
Your request will need to be authenticated using basic authentication. This will use your login details as username:password, where username is the email you registered with and password is your password.
Example: Assuming a user registers with the following credentials - email: - password: test-password-123
With curl, this can be done as either
curl -u
or using the base64 encoding of username:password
curl --header "Authorization: Basic dGVzdC51c2VyQGdtYWlsLmNvbTp0ZXN0LXBhc3N3b3JkLTEyMw=="
Token Bearer schema
Once you have a token, all requests to the Altmetrics API will require you to use this token to authenticate yourself. To do this, simply add the token to your request header, as follows.
Authorization: Bearer [token]
Where [token] represents your JWT.
Registering DOIs
You can post the DOIs of works to the Altmetrics API.
API endpoint:
Method: POST
JSON format: The Altmetrics API expects to receive JSON, containing a list of DOIs in the format shown below. Each DOI can be registered with zero or more URLs.
"doi": DOI
"url": [
Refer to postman JSON for an example call to this API endpoint.
Querying DOIs
Check all DOIs associated with your user account. Remember to authenticate yourself with your JWT.
API endpoint:
Method: GET
Refer to postman JSON for an example call to this API endpoint.