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Countries API

REST API to a database containing tuples of standarised country codes and names, e.g. ('urn:iso:std:3166:-2:ES', 'Spain'). When the database is populated correctly (i.e. with all possible country names), the API is able to return standarised codes for unofficial country names.

  • API Source:
  • API Image:
  • Database Source:
  • Database Image:


Environment variables

The following environment variables may be set. If you're running the service using docker-compose, you may use different files to separate API-specific variables from database's. All variables must be set.

Variable Description
API_DEBUG Boolean flag to output debugging lines to the console.
SECRET_KEY An up to 255 bytes random key, shared with services requiring authentication
TOKEN_LIFETIME Number of seconds before a token expires.
PBKDF2_ITERATIONS Number of PBKDF2 iterations - the more the merrier.
DB_HOST The address of the host where the tokens database runs.
DB_DB The name of the tokens database.
DB_USER The user name of the tokens database.
DB_PASS The password of the tokens database.
ALLOW_ORIGIN String with a domain name to be included in CORS headers.

Running with docker-compose

The easiest way to get a fully featured and functional setup is using a docker-compose file, since the API depends on the [hirmeos/countries_db][1] database.

version: "3.5"

    image: openbookpublishers/countries_db:1
    container_name: "countries_db"
    restart: unless-stopped
      - ./config/db.env

    image: openbookpublishers/countries_api:1
    container_name: "countries_api"
    restart: unless-stopped
      - 8080:8080
      - DB_HOST=countries_db
      - ./config/api.env
      - ./config/db.env
      - countries_db

Notes: - The example uses the docker images already built and used by Open Book Publishers. You may use the provded docker files to build your own, instead. - You may of course use whatever port you like, and/or use a proxy server (e.g. nginx) to handle the API endpoint. - In this example we use two sets of configuration files, one with database credentials shared with both containers, the other one with API configuration only available to the API container. You may use a single file with all environment variables.

API routes

The following methods are allowed:

Method Route Description
GET /countries List a country if country_id is provided, attempt to resolve a country if country_name is provide, otherwise list them all.
POST /countries Create a new country record providing country_id, country_code, country_name and continent_code in a json object.
POST /names Add a country name to an existing country.