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Identifier Translation Service

The Identifier Translation Service is a JSON REST API to a database of publication URIs. The translation service maps works (publications) to URIs (e.g. info:doi:10.11647/obp.0001, urn:isbn:9781906924010, to allow converting from one identifier to another.



If you are planning to expose the API to the internet you may protect it using JWT. You must set up a tokens API such as hirmeos/tokens_api and share the secret key with this service via the SECRET_KEY env variable, the translation service will then expect a token in the Authorization header of each request it receives and will check whether it was generated with the secret key.

Environment variables

The following environment variables may be set. If you're running the service using docker-compose, you may use different files to separate API-specific variables from database's. All variables must be set.

Variable Description
API_DEBUG Boolean flag to output debugging lines to the console.
JWT_DISABLED Boolean flag to toggle using JWT authentication. Should only be set to False in a local network or developing environment.
SECRET_KEY An up to 255 bytes random key, shared with a JWT API.
IDENTIFIERSDB_HOST The address of the host where the identifiers database runs.
IDENTIFIERSDB_DB The name of the identifiers database.
IDENTIFIERSDB_USER The user name of the identifiers database.
IDENTIFIERSDB_PASS The password of the identifiers database.
ALLOW_ORIGIN String with a domain name to be included in CORS headers.

Running with docker-compose

The easiest way to get a fully featured and functional setup is using a docker-compose file, since the API depends on the hirmeos/identifiers_db database.

version: "3.5"

    image: openbookpublishers/identifiers_db:1
    container_name: "identifiertranslatorservice_db"
    restart: unless-stopped
      - db:/var/lib/postgresql/data
      - ./config/db.env

    image: openbookpublishers/identifier_translation_service:1
    container_name: "identifiertranslatorservice_api"
    restart: unless-stopped
      - 8080:8080
      - IDENTIFIERSDB_HOST=identifiertranslatorservice_db
      - ./config/api.env
      - ./config/db.env
      - identifiertranslatorservice_db


Notes: - The example uses the docker images already built and used by Open Book Publishers. You may use the provided docker files to build your own, instead. - You may of course use whatever port you like, and/or use a proxy server (e.g. nginx) to handle the API endpoint. - The db volume ensure the contents of the database persist when restarting/deleting the container. - In this example we use two sets of configuration files, one with database credentials shared with both containers, the other one with API configuration only available to the API container. You may use a single file with all environment variables. - For development purposes you can disable the JWT check applying this line under the environment section: - JWT_DISABLED=true.

API Structure

Publication identifiers as URIs

The translation service stores all work (publication) identifiers as URIs, therefore when querying/populating the database you must use the relevant URI scheme.

Identifier URI Scheme Example
ISBN urn:isbn urn:isbn:9781906924003
DOI info:doi info:doi:10.11647/obp.0001
ISSN urn:issn urn:issn:20542445
UUID urn:uuid urn:uuid:463b4279-4e8d-47f8-a133-ad8ce7c4f86c
Handle info:hdl info:hdl:10670/1.di2dtn
URL http
URL https

The canonical flag

When multiple identifiers of the same scheme are associated with the same work, you may set one and only one canonical URI per URI scheme and work, which will be the returned value when the strict flag is used.

The /translate path attempts to retrieve a unique identifier of the chosen URI scheme (e.g. translating from a urn:isbn to a info:doi), if more than one identifier of the same URI scheme is found the API will complain that it is not able to translate properly. The canonical flag makes sure that in such a case the API is able to translate to the desired canonical URI of that particular scheme.

A work can have at most one canonical URI of each URI scheme (e.g. one canonical URL, one canonical ISBN, one canonical DOI, etc.).

API routes

The following methods are allowed:

Method Route Description
GET /translate Takes a uri as parameter and returns all identifiers associated with it.
GET /works Return information about stored publications.
POST /works Store a publication and associated URIs in the database.
DELETE /works Delete a publication from the database.
POST /titles Add a new title to an existing publication.
DELETE /titles Remove a title from its publication.
POST /uris Add a new URI to an existing publication.
DELETE /uris Remove a URI from its publication.
GET /work_types Retrieve the full list of publication types.
POST /work_relations Store a relationship between two publications (e.g. book -> chapter)

/translate Queries

This is the most important method in the API since it serves the purpose of translating a given identifier to the desired match (e.g. translate an ISBN or a URL to a DOI).

Translation by URI

Translation by URI (identifier) will query the database searching for other URIs associated with the input. To translate from one uri_scheme to another (e.g. input ISBN to retrieve a DOI) you will need to set a filter of type uri_scheme (see below).

Translation by title

Translation by title uses the Levenshtein distance between the input and the stored titles in the database, and outputs a list of candidates matching the given title along with a score (where 0 is a perfect match). When the strict flag is set, the API will attempt to return only the fittest candidate for the query.

Translation parameters

You may use this method to either translate a uri or a title, hence one and only one of either parameters is compulsory.

Parameter Description
uri The URI you want to translate
title A URL-encoded title to search for.
filter A concatenation of filters of type work_type, uri_scheme, canonical allows refining the query.
strict Defaults to false. When set to true it enforces the return of a single identifier.

Translation example

/translate?uri=urn:isbn:9781906924652&strict=true&filter=work_type:monograph,work_type:book,uri_scheme:info:doi will retrieve a unique book DOI for the given ISBN; if the work_type wasn't specified, the query would fail to retrieve a single DOI, since it would also include chapter DOIs which are associated with that same ISBN.

  "code": 200,
  "status": "ok",
  "data": [
      "URI": "info:doi:10.11647/obp.0001",
      "URI_parts": {
        "scheme": "info:doi",
        "value": "10.11647/obp.0001"
      "canonical": true,
      "score": 0,
      "work": {
        "type": "monograph",
        "URI": [],
        "UUID": "463b4279-4e8d-47f8-a133-ad8ce7c4f86c",
        "title": [
          "That Greece Might Still Be Free: The Philhellenes in the War of Independence"
  "count": 1

/works Queries

This route is used to either retrieve full work records, or to populate the database with new works.

GET /works parameters

You may use this method to either translate a uri or a title, hence one and only one of either parameters is compulsory.

Parameter Description
uuid The work_id UUID of a particular work. If provided it will retrieve a single publication, if not set it will retrieve all publications.
filter A concatenation of filters of type work_type, uri_scheme, canonical allows refining the query.

GET /works example

/works?filter=work_type:monograph,work_type:book,uri_scheme:info:doi,canonical:true will retrieve the canonical DOI of all books and monographs.

  "code": 200,
  "status": "ok",
  "count": 145,
  "data": [
      "type": "monograph",
      "URI": [
          "URI": "info:doi:10.11647/obp.0033",
          "URI_parts": {
            "scheme": "info:doi",
            "value": "10.11647/obp.0033"
          "canonical": true,
          "score": 0
      "UUID": "0034efd8-be0b-4527-b0e0-bad1faff3c2f",
      "title": [
        "Storytelling in Northern Zambia: Theory, Method, Practice and Other Necessary Fictions",
        "Storytelling in Northern Zambia. Theory, Method, Practice and Other Necessary Fictions"

POST /works data

Attribute Type Description
title string or array of strings One or more titles that represent the publication.
type string The publication type of the work (e.g. 'book', 'book-chapter').
uri object or array of objects Each URI object must have a uri (string) and a canonical (boolean) attributes.
parent string or array of strings Optional. You may provide the UUID of an existing work that is a parent of this one.
child string or array of strings Optional. You may provide the UUID of an existing work that is a child of this one.

POST /works example

In this example we use a fictional parent UUID, which could be one of a book series for example - and two child UUIDs, which could represent two chapters in the book.

  "type": "monograph",
  "title": [
    "That Greece Might Still Be Free: The Philhellenes in the War of Independence",
    "That Greece Might Still Be Free"
  "uri": [
      "uri": "info:doi:10.11647/obp.0001",
      "canonical": true
    }, {
      "uri": "urn:isbn:9781906924003",
      "canonical": true
    }, {
      "uri": "urn:isbn:9781906924027",
      "canonical": false
    }, {
      "uri": "",
      "canonical": false
  "parent": "0a0f1877-d3da-4a84-bce6-e388b5e722d5",
  "child": [

DELETE /works data

Attribute Type Description
UUID string The work_id of the work to delete.


Check some more example queries.

Crosref extension

The main purpose of this service is to store as many URIs per publication as possible, and it's unlikely that the user of this software will be aware of all of them. For this reason you may set up hirmeos/crossref_uri_import to periodically query Crossref's API with your DOIs and populate the translation service with potential new data (e.g. multiple DOIs assigned to the same publication, multiple resolution URLs).

Populating the database

You may write your own version of OpenBookPublishers/obp_product_import to populate the translation service with your existing data. Or you can use this script to add individual URIs to an existing publication: OpenBookPublishers/obp_uri_import